Saturday, January 14, 2006

Loren's 21st Birthday

So ummm yeah. When you get to the bar and realize that it is, in fact, 10 dollars all you can drink night, well what was going to be an early night ended up with allison and i in the jack in the box drive through at around 3 am. Egg rolls kick ass.

Anyway, the point is, bars that do the all you can drink thing are trying to insult you. This is essentially a dare. What they're saying is "you cant drink enough liquor or beer to make a dent in our bottom line". Maybe thats true, but i've never been one to back down from a dare, let alone one that insults my drinking prowess. When someone slaps you in the face with a white glove, you can't just turn tail and run.

Anyway, My cousin Loren had her 21st Birthday party at lacledes last night, and i have photographic evidence of it. Enjoy.

Holy crap that's a lot of red hair!

What a cute couple we make.

Loren, my cousin Nicole and my Aunt Hope......this could be a long night.

Yup....its definitely gonna be a long night

Hey if people are flipping the bird to the camera, you know my brother is going to be involved, right?
Loren and i have lots of fun. Happy Birthday Loren!

Nicole and me. This might actually be the first picture of us I can remember.

Zack tells a joke, Allison politely laughs, even though it probably wasn't funny. Yeah i just made that up, i have no idea if that happened or not.

If its 10 dollars all you can drink, you KNOW Turk is going to show up. As for Paul, well, he's poor so this is a pretty damn good deal for him.

Oh no, you did not just pop the collar!

He did.....He did just pop the collar!

OK. There are actually more pictures on the online at the online photo album. Happy 21st birthday to Loren, and hopefully we will now be seeing much more of her now since she's legal. Also, in case you were wondering, yes I did get Egg Rolls on the way home from jack in the box. (we capitalize Egg Rolls just like we would capitalize God, they are that good).


At 3:21 PM, Blogger Sean said...

Looks like a good time, but all those middle fingers worry's like a Scott Zinn convention...
Take it easy

At 1:42 PM, Blogger jjthe man said...

The power of tequila over women is great. We had no tequila that night though. But Jakse and Zack did look longengly into eac others eyes for a minute, but i think that was more to do with Jakse being so drunk he though Zack was Claire Danes.


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