Thursday, January 19, 2006

This can't be real

ok. i held this back for too long but i have to share this with someone, its just too good. I give you the biggest wastes of human spaces since Oliver. Those of you who don't remember Oliver or who are just jumping on bored, well, i highly suggest you click on that link. Anyway, back to why we're here these guys:

OK, i can only assume at first glance that these guys werent thinking when they woke up, because either this was clearly the product of a giant halloween joke, hopefully they were abducted at birth and brought into some strange porcupine worshipping cult. Because the alternitive unfortunately is that these guys think they're are cool. If this is the new style circulating among the metrosexual/homosexual persuasion in jersey, remind me never to go back there again. not because i have a problem with that, but because im afraid i might get stabbed in the eye bye one of these hairstyles charging at me like an angry rhino. There are ton more picture of these guys. Their ringleader is the guy in the pink shirt in the background, as he started posting these pictures of him and his "boys" on a few message boards in recent weeks. His name is lee hotti. i swear to god i can't make this stuff up.

Of course, if you thought that picture made this guy look like one of the biggest wedges known to man, what till you get a glimpse at this.

yes, i can only assume that his head is tilted to the side due to the four cans of gel his porcupine worshipping self needs in order to get his hair to look like that. And don't forget the hair dye, because in case you haven't noticed, this guy is clearly a red head that hasn't come to grips with his curse. There isn't any way to hide that complexion buddy, unless you're wearing makeup like you were in the previous picture. Also, if your going to try to roll with rocks in your ears, perhaps you should get a reasonable size, so as to not announce to the world that, yes, you do not care that those things are cubic zirconia you just want something big and sparkly. Also,Headbands are for catching sweat when you are working out, not for fashion accessories. And i dont even know what to say about the kissing action.

A few days ago Kevin asked in his blog what was wrong with the youth of america. my response is this guy. i can't make fun of him anymore, its too easy. but i thought you all should take a gander at what Oliver's brothers in arms look like.


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