It's impossible to Cultivate Non-existant Talent
This weekend i was at J Mcgruagh's (which is a great little bar at the corner of Ladue and Gay in Clayton, you should go if you get the chance.) Toward the end of the night i was grabbed by a member of my party and forced to do karaoke to the seven minute long american pie. Suffice to say me and this person are no longer friends - You hear that pete? you have committed an inforgivable offense.
I have not "Sung" in front of people i don't know since last June at the final silent-q show. Suffice to say, i wasn't really great at it then, and as i found out last night, i'm still not. It's a good thing i've got this accounting thing to fall back on as a career.
Turk and i are beginning our foray into softball, and i belive he'll be having thoughts about beer league softball in his blog from now on. we won one and lost one this weekend, as i found some long lost baseball skills, and realized why they were long lost. But softball is fun, and i got very irty, and then there was post game beer. I have nothing to complain about. Till next time.
And just so were clear turk: "I definitly could have been a major league baseball player, if i didn's completely suck at baseball."
Yes...that is true. You shoudl read my new softball update.
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