Friday Night at the Red Sea (Then the Delmar Lounge)
Friday i went to the red sea to watch alex, jon, pete and ben (Instant Iguana). The show was pretty good, even though Kurt formerly of the the ruckus and currently of Gothic Blues Quartet does the booking at the red sea these days. (I had a bad run in with the ruckus once).
Once upon a long time ago i swore i would never go to the red sea again, because my old band had some issues with the stage being way to small, the size being kinda small, the booking guy double booking us one night, and it smelling like raw sewage. At least these days they burn incence down there, which makes it smell like a sewer with incence burning in it. If you were wondering, that smell wasnt that good either.
The highlight of the evening (due to no fault of instant iguana's), came after i had been in the door for about 20 minutes. I went the men's room, and in fron of the urinal is a guy on crutches dealing crack to a guy in a baseball cap. He looked at both me and Jon and asked if we wanted some and showed it to us. Why is it, that whenever i need to use the restroom theres always some guy on crutches selling crack in there? Well that doesnt always happen, but im going to claim that it does, it makes my life more interesting.
Going to shows is always a little bittersweet for me, as i enjoy live music and music in general, but it makes me miss perferming myself. Those days are over, but i have some nice memories of them and the people that came to see us. Just not of the red sea, and at least we took a little hike down to the delmar lounge where i could forget the red sea with the help of corona. On to the pictures..............
What exactly would you like me to say here, he's weird, and yet we all knew that.
Jon and Alex rock out, some girl talks about how hot pete is. Seriously, i have no clue what she was talking about, but if i were here, thats not at all what i would be saying.
Jon and Ben....well lets just say they pretend to like each other rather well.
Ooooooh. A black and white picture of me and allison.
Sri and Jamie. At the delmar . Where i saw people from high school.....totally weird.
Kristen looking disturbed, and her lovely sister.
Alex and Tara are happy, mostly due to the alcohol.
And i include Jakse here, only because he's the most relevant person of the night.
Jakse decided that it would be a phenomenal idea to walk home after no fewer than five people offered him a ride. Mind you he lives downtown, by the landing, and he was at delmar, in the loop. I can't belive he's alive, i can't belive he didint get mugged, or at least smashed in the head with a brick by some homeless dude.
Overall i had a pretty night, and i stayed out very late. The red sea never does change though, that place sucked, and im still not sure why i had to pay 5 bucks to get in to see two bands. We used to only swindle 3-4 dollars out of our friends when we played shows.
Theres a bunch more pictures in the online photo album, but it's late and i need to go to work tomorrow, so this is it, but you can always go there if you want to.